Lived in Mourne Park from 1920 when she arrived as a newly-wed until her death in 1985.
Prior to that was Lady-In-Waiting to the Viceroy at the Vice Regal Lodge, Phoenix Park, Dublin.
As a young girl she witnessed the 1916 Rising.
Fluent in French due to a governess refusing to use anything but French to speak to her.
The matriarch at Mourne Park following the death of her husband K in 1961
Norah Frances Hastings, known as “Granny”, “Lady K” or “Guardi”
Our Great Grandmother
Born 12th September 1894
Died 1985
Notable Moment
Was tied up by thieves in the 1970s. She was kept in her bedroom, tied back to back with the butler while they found jewelry and valuables. When they spotted her late husband's watch under her pillow she commanded them not to take it and they left it.
After the war, the young Lord Kilmorey was gravely ill with the ’flu then sweeping the country, and was not expected to live.
He pulled through, however, and in 1920 married the Lady Norah Hastings, second daughter of the 14th Earl of Huntingdon
(text extract taken from A Short History of Mourne Park, Julie Ann Anley, October 1999)
On the death of her mother, the Dowager Countess of Huntingdon, and various aunts and uncles, Lady Kilmorey came into some considerable money. She had long been worried about losing her home should she be widowed. Under the terms of the Kilmorey Trust, Mourne Park was entailed, with the title, to the next male heir, her nephew Patrick Needham.
An approach was made, and Patrick, who had no intention of ever living in Mourne Park, was happy to sell her the whole estate. Thus the entail was broken.
In 1961 the 4th Earl of Kilmorey died, followed three years later by his elder daughter, Eleanor.