Welcome to the Micro:Bit page. This page was originally created for the Advanced Robotics Club, but it is hoped that they will be useful for everyone.

Given that many Primary Schools have now received their free set of 30 Micro:Bits, there is a great opportunity ahead to enhance learning through physical computing using these beguilingly fun devices!

Examples of Micro:Bit in action:

The following plug-in accessories / peripherals for Micro:Bits feature in our club.

Please use the links which accompany each one for further details:

Touchbit: Capacitive Touch Board

Click here to see the info page

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Air Quality Board: CO2 / Pressure / Humidity / Sensor

Can be solar powered

Click here to see the info page

Or here for the data sheet

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Environmental Science Centre


Click here to see the info page

Or here for the Tutorial

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Sensor Board

Sound / Temp / Light

Click here to see the info page

Or here for the Resources

This is the MakeCode Extension:

Servo Boards

Driving motors and relays

Click here to see the Compact Motor Drive info page

Click here for the Compact 16 Servo Board

Click here for the 3v relay module

Click here for the Relay Board

Click here for the Kitronik Servo Light Move board

This is the MakeCode Extension:

View Board

OLED screen

Click here to see the info page

Or here for the Data Sheet

This is the MakeCode Extension: