Welcome to a page dedicated to the memory of Julie Ann Anley.

The funeral service took place on 20th September 2023. 

A link to the online recording is here

(please note the actual service starts 21 mins in to the YouTube recording – after many photos!)

If you would like to send a memory to the family, please email it using the following email address:

A further opportunity to share memories of Julie Ann, took place on Monday 30th October. A walk through Mourne Park was followed by a Communion Service at Christchurch led by the Rev Elizabeth Hanna. Thank you to all who attended this celebration of Julie Ann’s life. Our thanks also to Sam and his team at the Kilmorey Arms Hotel. We were especially touched that Ian McCurley, CEO Woodland Trust NI, joined us – as well as providing four birch trees and a wonderful location for planting them alongside the river in Mourne Park.