
With a  whopping 400 Mhz PII (twin 10GBs) Bertha whirred into life in 1999. I nested Bertha in The Studio – a re-imagining of my Dad’s 1970s shipping office. The buoyant blue that Dad had painted each length of wood panelling became dynamic orange and lusty red; his shipping manifest board took on a new role detailing Microsoft Office functionality and Bertha was joined by patch-panel to a hotch-potch of other fine-de-siecle tech.

Flickernet was fun on so many fronts: renovating and extending the Studio; running a business; sharing the emerging world of computing with those who may well otherwise have been left behind; but above all: teaching.

After two years it was time to raise my game: I set off to England to gain a qualification in teaching. If I was going to deliver the best possible learning experience for my clients then it was time to learn properly how to be a teacher.





Teacher with tech