In other words, for those who would like to take part in the debate:
register your name as you arrive
if yours is one of the six names drawn by spinner, then you have been selected to take part
the order in which your name was drawn determines the team that you are on
it is then determined by a flipping a coin if your team will be proposing or opposing the motion
speakers take turns with the proposing team opening the debate
Once all speakers have made their first 2 minute speech, the debate is opened to the floor
Each speaker then has a second two minute speech in which to develop their own points further or to respond to the opposing team and floor speaker points
To express your interest / ask questions please email Phil Anley using the following email address:
(or just come along – no registration necessary)
There were threepossible motions for debating on 23rd February 2024:
Human beings present the greatest threat to life in the solar system: it would be best for us to remain on a single planet
Superheroes make the best role models for children
Pets should always be permitted in the workplace
The motion voted for was:
Human beings present the greatest threat to life in the solar system: it would be best for us to remain on a single planet
After much spirited debate, the motion was successfully opposed!
Procedural notes:
We will be following a version of the Mace Format rules.
Our Chairperson, John Taylor, will provide a summary of the rules at the beginning of the session.
Points Of Information may be offered from the floor, subject to:
The current speaker accepting them
A factual inaccuracy having been identified
Team speakers are limited to 5 minutes speaking time each. The Chair will give notice once there is one minute remaining. A bell will sound when time is up.
Audience members may choose to express an interest in taking part or, if they prefer, in only watching.
Debating sessions will last for a maximum of one hour, from 6pm to 7pm on Friday evenings at monthly intervals.
Whilst there will not be a charge for attending debates, or for taking part in them, over the long term we are aiming to raise funds for the UCL / GOSH Pulmonary Hypertension Research Team.
Donations will help the search for treatments, and towards a cure, for Pulmonary Hypertension in children.